Here Are The Top Ten Most Circulated Myths About CBD

CBD Oil is one of the hottest trendy topics in the world today. Everyone wants to use it. Everyone claims the benefits are amazing.  One thing that's also mentioned a lot is if CBD Oil is legal in Australia.

CBD oil is a product that contains cannibodiol.  These oils have over 120 active ingredients that are found in the hemp plant, marjiuana.  CBD is very popular because it contains very little THC.  THC is the substance in marijuana that can alter the mind.  Most lawyers say that you will need permission from your doctor in order to you CBD oil.

With the above mentioned, CBD is legal in Australia. In 2018, health officials approved of CBD products in Australia.  The catch to this is that each CBD product must have the appropriate amount of THC, or it will be considered an illegal substance.  If you are over the age of 18, you can go into stores selling CBD and buy it!

Australia also allows individuals to grow and sell CBD if they meet the requirements to do so.  These two requirements are:
  • hemp can only be created from specific parts of the plant. 
  • You can not make any health or dietary claims on any product that you are selling.
Australia is very lucky in the fact that many of the politicians here have strong positive reactions to CBD.  These politicians know that CBD can help increase tax revenue and can benefit the nation as a whole.  With this said, the politicians still feel very strong about regulating the market, so if you are wanting to get into the business you will need to make sure you follow the requirements listed.
CBD oil is so popular right now because of all the amazing health benefits individuals have claimed to occur when they are taking it. Some of these are:
  • better mood
  • Diet is better
  • More calm
  • Anxiety goes away
  • Better sleep at night
CBD has so many benefits so it's no wonder that it's such a popular product on today's market.  Officials realize this and they have provided ways to make it legal as long as it doesn't have the THC limit that would make it an illegal substance.  If you are over the age of 18 you will be able to buy CBD!  If you are interested in getting into the business of CBD, make sure you follow the strict guidelines.  The government understand the want and need to distribute it, but they also want to make sure it's in a way that's safe for all.
An old friend of mine would use CBD oil for the health benefits as opposed to actual Marijuana. He said that it was good for anxiety and depression as it tends to relax the body as well as the mind. He used to battle with insomnia among other things that would affect his mood. CBD oil helped him to deal with those issues a lot better. Surprisingly so, he told me that the use of CBD oil actually reduces the addiction to other drugs. He was trying to get himself together so it was no surprise to me that he was making the extra effort. As I understand it, CBD reduces morphine dependence which is a common cause of most addictions. There is a part of the brain that is practically begging for another hit of your drug of choice. So, when CBD reduces that urge, it in turn reduces the phycological need for a fix. I must say, he seems to be getting a lot better. He is no longer as anxious as he used to be or as moody as he was in the past. He is a lot more focused on being as productive as he possibly can and he just focuses on his work now. I can't say for sure that CBD was the cause of all of these changes. But, I can say that CBD oil was thing that got him started on the right path.  
Henry Wall


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