Everything you didn't know about Men's Hair Loss, UNCOVERED

       Men's hair loss: the why and how.

 Male hair loss can be very emotional and embarrassing to most aging men. Why me they may ask? How come, I'm not elderly? It can happen to you whether your fifty or twenty. Throughout the years there have been many breakthroughs and promising new solutions. It mainly comes down to genetics, scientists and research has proven. 
   Though there can be other reasons for male pattern baldness.  To much stress and some types of illnesses can also lead to losing your hair. Certain medications have be known to cause men to start balding. We also have getting to much protein and not enough vitamin A.
     There are measures that men can take to prevent and stop male pattern baldness. There are now numerous available methods that were once more of a dream than a reality.  These can include but are not limited to shampoos, pills, and low level laser therapy. Each offering different results and side effects depending upon numerous factors.

    One such item people use is rogaine for men. Rogaine mainly works on men with the heredity male pattern baldness.  It typically allows hair to grow on the top and back of your scalp, missing some of the side of your head. If it does work you will probably not grow all of your hair back. Sounds great right? Personally I'd think twice before trying as it comes with some serious side effects.  One is scalp irritation, also unwanted facial hair growth, and those are the better of the negative side effects.  Worse can be the chest pain, swelling of your hands and feet. Or how about dizziness or a light headed feeling almost as if you're going to pass out. Although this doesn't happen to everyone who takes rogaine it may cause one to reconsider if growing your hair back is worth some of these risks.
      Next we are going to cover propecia bestellen schweiz. This is taking orally and comes highly recommended by dermatologists.  Most men that take actually grow hair back, and more importantly stop losing their hair.  But just like everything there are side effects.  These side effects affect your male parts. These include impotence,  trouble having an orgasm,  abnormal ejaculation, and lack of interest in having sex.  Personally I don't believe this is worth the risk. I mean you want your physical appearance confidence to be boosted by growing your hair back and your little fellow is going to suffer. What a moral booster when your penis doesn't work.
      Finally we will cover low level laser therapy.  This also works. Lasers target hair follicles helping them to grow back and prevent future loss. Boy is it expensive.  Sessions can start at $235 and possibly needed more than one treatment for results.  Sounds expensive to me, just ask yourself if you're willing to pay that much for hair.
     To conclude when facing male pattern baldness you have a variety of options to choose.  Some work better than others and some are more expensive than others.  Before taking any medication you need to decide whether the side effects are worth the results or if you're willing to accept and admit that being going bald just isn't that bad.
I have a different kind of hair loss story to share as hair loss runs in my family. Everyone in my family has lot of hairs during their early 30's. Everyone has so many hair that people comment for nice and thick hair. Something happens in early 30's and all men in the family starts to lose the hair very rapidly. My father, my uncle and my grad parents have gone through the same issue and it's not like that we don't try different kind of medication or treatment. For some reason nothing works. We have tried allopathic medicines, herbal medicines and all kind of good shampoos but nothing helps. We have gone to doctors and that treatment has also not worked. I myself has recently went through the similar issues. Now I am 34 and half bald. I used to have 100% of hair when I was 30. I have lost almost half of my hair in last 4 years. I am pretty sure I will lose all my hair when I will be 40. Nothing seems to prevent that and I have been accustomed to live with this and have accepted this as a fact that I will have same story like my father and uncle.
Lucas King


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